

There is a growing movement to overcome medical challenges across the country and worldwide. Despite the fact that there are great ideas to address medical needs, sometimes it is challenging to raise funds for these ventures. Even when fundraising is successful, medical pioneers are often confronted with difficulties to realize these ideas due to lack of expertise in research and development or because they are unable to deliver to those in need. We established MIRAI Medtech Funding & Management Association to actualize providing medtech solutions to overcome these medical challenges through collaborative efforts between medical professionals and technologists. Our members are experts in this area.

Manufacturing that overcomes medical challenges—. Our mission is to realize these medtech solutions by providing strategic planning and comprehensive support from fundraising all the way to delivering solutions to those who are in need. We will raise funds widely through donations and crowdfunding from those who support our initiatives. With these funds, we promote research and development to address needs that will contribute to the advancement of clinical medicine.




We receive many requests for consultations from various parties. Our expert team investigates these requests to determine whether they meet criteria such as “technically feasible”, “improves patients’ QoL (Quality of Life)”, or “advancement of surgical techniques” in order to make their selection. Projects we launch are not ones that merely end with the research stage but ones that overcome medical obstacles. Regardless of the scale of product development, MIRAI Medtech forms a team for individual projects and works collaboratively towards the realization of those projects.




法人名:一般社団法人 みらいメドテック
代表者:代表理事 柏野 聡彦


MIRAI Medtech Association
Representative Director, Toshihiko Kashino
1-13-108, 2 Cho-me, Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0074, Japan


代表理事:柏野 聡彦(一般社団法人日本医工ものづくりコモンズ 専務理事)
理事:片山 真一(税理士法人サンハーツ 税理士)
理事:五反田 正一
理事:山森 伸二
理事:平松 義規
事務局長:長谷川 裕美(株式会社日本医工研究所 取締役 広報戦略責任者)


Representative Director, Toshihiko Kashino
Executive Director, Akira Terao
Director, Shinichi Katayama
Director, Masakazu Gotanda
Director, Shinji Yamamori
Director, Yoshinori Hiramatsu
Secretary General, Hiromi Hasegawa